Epc на audi q 7
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Рассказ владельца Audi Q 7 (1st generation) — поломка. Машина не заводилась тогда же и появились эти ошибки пару минут ждал заводил и так три раза а на Audi Q 7 Супер тачка!!! Мечта!! › Бортжурнал › EPC fault see owner manual.
Рассказ владельца Audi Q 5 (1st generation) — поломка. Сегодня утром ехал в спокойном режиме, на улице минус 3, ни с того, ни с сего загорелась "желтая" ошибка EPC.
зажигания ошибки по заслонкам впускного коллектора остались и в процессе езды на табло тахометра загорелся значок EPC и при нажатии педали газа двигатель Все это нужно проверять. Балаково, LADA (ВАЗ) Вопросы о Audi Q 7.
В стремлении к совершенству выбираешь лучшее. Модератор: Димон на Аванте. Машина троит, трясется не едет........................... Найти ещё сообщения от Кислицын Дмитрий.
EPC fault see owner manual — бортжурнал Audi Q7 Супер тачка !!! Мечта !! 2008 года на
Vendor Directory Used Cars. I just want to know if anyone has had this same problem as I have with the EPC light. Last night I was driving and the EPC light came on.
I started to loose acceleration and the battery light came on. I pulled over to the side and that was it. Any way the dealership just told me that the car had no gas in it.
Someone please let me know if you had this issue or should I just be more cautious in trusting the fuel gauge. I had the same issue about half a year ago.
The EPC is basically the system that controls fuel going to your engine. The circuit board that controls the EPC was bad and malfunctioned as I was getting off the highway. Same thing as you... Basically, the fuel wasnt flowing and the car couldnt determine what gear it was in. Wow thanks for the info.
First time I went to the dealer, they said it was nothing and it would go away. The remaining times I just ignored it. Nothing has really happened as a result. I got same issue as you tonight,how did u resolve this issue.
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