Renault ue2 chenilette во второй мировой войне
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Всего было произведено 4896 танкеток (по другим данным – 4496 танкеток единиц UE и 1900 единиц UE 2)). Однако поражение Франции во Второй мировой войне не позволило развернуть ее производство.
М.Б. Барятинский - Танки Второй Мировой войны. Renault UE (Chine) – пулемет Lehel в полностью бронированной четырехгранной рубке, смещенной к правому борту.
Renault UE 2 Chenilette. Серия танкеток РЕНО была задумана как линейка немецких трофейных машин, переделанных для различных нужд Вермахта из нескольких тысяч захваченных танкеток.
The exhaust pipe runs in front of the commander to the right ending in a silencer on the right side of the vehicle; in later production vehicles an armoured cover was added; as it tended to overheat a later variant of this cover had cooling slits. Тип и модель двигателя:. Ограждение глушителя травленое, но мять его не стал. Также были добавлены деревянные ящики, французская фляжка, канистра машинного масла фирмы Renault и пара стеклянных бутылок с декалями винных этикеток.
Танки «Рено FT» во 2-й мировой войне | Танкодром
Of both types combined over five thousand were built, including licence production in Romania , and they were part of the standard equipment of all French infantry divisions. Budgetary restraints made it unrealistic to fully equip them with armoured personnel carriers ; but the mass production of smaller armoured vehicles in the roles of munition and supply carrier and weapon carrier for machine guns and mortars seemed feasible.
Renault however indicated he had no intention to pay licence rights, unless the French state would fully compensate him; the three companies were thus invited to build a "similar" vehicle, not an exact copy.
The orders were for armoured tractors and matching tracked trailers and for a heavier trailer to carry again the tractor, to be pulled by a truck while the smaller trailer trailed behind. Only the nose of the vehicle was armoured. To honour its commitments to Vickers, it let the trailers and one tractor be built in Britain.
To conform to the idea of production in France, Brandt delegated the task to build a new tractor type to the Latil company, as it had too little experience itself. The first prototype to be ready was that of Renault, that also had received orders for six sets. This other track type was shown to be too weak. The project had as factory designation Renault UE , a chronological letter code without further meaning; the smaller trailer was the Renault UK.
The Vickers suspension with double track guides was imitated. For Renault this new suspension type, that he patented despite its obvious Vickers ancestry, offered the solution for severe problems he had experienced trying to adapt his existing suspension models, using single track guides, to a high velocity vehicle without increasing the chance that the track would be thrown at higher speeds.
Renault hoped to further develop the UE into a light tank by adding a turret; accordingly the hull resembled a tank chassis rather than a dedicated supply vehicle. The series vehicles differed from the first in having a towing sign plate fitted on the top, new towing hooks and an elongated stowage box on the left side.
Its cargo carrying capacity is rather limited. The tracks can be removed for road transport; there are two road wheels per side. The bin forms the back compartment of the vehicle; the larger front compartment is for the crew and engine. The gear box six speeds forward, two reverse , differential and transmission are placed in front of the engine.
These mechanical parts are placed under two projections on the otherwise very steeply sloped armour of the glacis; these can be retracted for maintenance of the mechanical parts. The exhaust pipe runs in front of the commander to the right ending in a silencer on the right side of the vehicle; in later production vehicles an armoured cover was added; as it tended to overheat a later variant of this cover had cooling slits. To reduce the height of the vehicle it has been made impossible for the crew members to retract their heads under the roof.
To protect these vital parts two hemispherical armoured hoods calottes have been fitted. These have vision slits but to improve the field of vision the front section of these hoods can like a visor be pivoted backwards over the back section.